
PERALES LR (1 of 1)-9.jpg

My workshops are tailored for the beginner to intermediate. In the classroom we will go over the trinity of photography: aperture, shutter spreed, and ISO. We will dive deep into the understanding of each component and their relation to one another. There is no magic setting, each scene is exposed using basic information such as available light and the creative vision you are inspired to create. We look forward to serving you and making your photography journey a more pleasant and enjoyable one. Please contact us to set up your one on one or group workshop today!

*work shops start at $250.00 for a 2 hour session.


Workshop Reviews



Juan was very professional. He gave good advice and gave adequate time to everyone. No question was off limits to him. So if you are just starting out, or you have been shooting for years, Juan will make time for you!

-Jeremy Herring

I was very impressed with the wildlife class! Juan made it interesting and informative. Would definitely attend another workshop!

- Michelle VanDenBerghe